Less is the New More!
Less ambiguity.
More Success. Keep only the essential information and get to the main point quickly for the most effective timelines. What is the objective? Use only the facts that advance the theme in the story.
Envision timelines.
Case study.
Visual timeline illustrates how a beef processing plant uses "GANG TIME" to pay workers wages. Areas in grey between red bells symbolize set paid time of all workers during the work day. GANG TIME excludes the time required to don and doff personal protective equipment in the wage and hour class action case. Case settles for millions after judge grants mistrial.
Envision Timelines
Cumulative Timelines.
In some cases MORE is better than LESS when the story reveals cumulative events to create visual impact. In the disability insurance case timeline, highlighting the numerous fractures, surgeries and nerve damage illustrates the patient's massive permanent disabilities. More information = More impact. Case settled.
Time in Timelines!
Time of day, amount of time, span between time tells an important story about time. Misclassified as independent contractors, the home delivery truck drivers work 12-14 hours per day without breaks. Truck icon moves across the page–headlights on or off depending on time of day–to illustrate the long day's work without meal or rest breaks. Company failed to pay overtime, time in mandatory meetings, missed meal breaks and out of pocket expenses. More time = More success. Case settled on eve of trial.
Details and Timelines.
The proof is in the details. Elements around the events and details within the timeline adds a key part of the story. In the ER timeline, the patient's pain level was an important symptom neglected by the hospital personnel resulting in irreversible brain damage post surgery.
Timeline showing a detailed month pull out contradicts employer's claim that employee failed to meet her monthly hours goal. She remains productive during reduced hours while recovering from motor vehicle accident. More details = More clarity. Cases settled.
Gallery of Timelines
Timelines illustrate time.
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